This name is inspired by the Italian legend of Aleramo, the first Marquis of Mont Ferrat and Liguria. This legend, which dates back to the end of the tenth century (980 AD), tells the story of Marquis’s son recovery from kidney and circulatory disorders after drinking the water of life "La Roccia Viva", which was well recovered at every sip of the spring.
Water of Life: a long history and a symbol of purity and health, as many stories went viral about the benefits of that water in the Italian folk traditions, thanks to historical figures such as Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte and King of Italy Vittorio Emanuele. This water obtained licenses for packaging and distribution from the Italian state since 1926.
It should be noted that at the beginning, the water of life was bottled in glass bottles, until 1981, to be later filled in plastic bottles of type PVC. In 1992, water of life was filled into safer, non-toxic and transparent PET plastic bottles, which can be applied to the food contact area.
Life energy in an elementary aspect of health. It also provides a strong immune system that protects us from strains. Only in the energy surplus are powerfull of desire for life and urge for creating. But what does all this have to do with water? Right drinking is the basis for health and well-being. It’s even better to drink the right thing. Welcome to the world of Acqua della Vita from the heart of Italian Alps.